Sunday, September 2, 2018

New Endeavors

 So I’ve taken up knitting. I technically learned how when I was about ten years old, as I’d already learned how to crochet from an awesome babysitter and really liked it. Turns out,. I liked crocheting better and pretty much didn’t knit at all after I learned the basics. But I love historical clothing, and those knitted mitts from the 18th century are so fun and cozy and pretty...and crocheting wasn’t really a thing until the 19th century. So I thought I’d give it a try.
 After, uh, multiple restarts, I think I’m making few enough mistakes that’s it’s passable. Turns out I still don’t really enjoy knitting, at least not like I do crocheting. Something about it is different enough that it’s just not as relaxing, and I need frequent breaks. But I realllly want a pair or three of knitted mitts. I’m determined.
 I also brewed my first batch of beer! I LOVE the Townsend’s channel on YouTube where they cook historical recipes and answer questions about the 18th and early 18th centuries, and I’ve been curious about “small beer” for awhile. So I invited one of my husbands best friends who has brewed before over to help me try out this video:“Swanky”. It’s good that he was involved, because I would have made ALL the mistakes and probably caused an explosion. Crises averted, and it turned out pretty well! I don’t even like beer (sometimes I really just do very weird things for the curiosity of it), but I liked the way this small beer tasted. It was mild and refreshing, and now I want to try another of the Townsend’s brewing videos!
 So, I’m not even halfway finished with my first mitt, but it’s August, so I’ve got time, right? And in the meantime I’m gonna sip my home brewed small beer and plan future shenanigans.